Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 2016 Goals

So its been September for about a week now and I've been thinking about my goals and thought maybe if I write them down, put them out there, I'll be more likely to meet them. These are longer term goals than just September so here they are...

Lose 20 pounds by Thanksgiving.
So this may be a bit lofty, in reality I'm thinking roughly 20 pounds - because to be honest I don't even remember what I looked like at 165. What I do know is that in recent months I've started to dislike what I see in the mirror. Going from a job where I walked an average of 6-8 miles a day to walking maybe 2 has really taken its toll. My mom visited back in July, and while she didn't mention anything (she never would to my face) I could tell she noticed too. I'm not willing to go home at Thanksgiving and have my whole family notice. To help I made a rough 20 week workout plan. I know Thanksgiving is 11 weeks away, but I also signed up for a half marathon in January.

Run a 3:00 Half Marathon
On a whim I decided to sign up for the Rock & Roll half marathon in Phoenix with my mom and aunt. Both run a lot more than me and will be faster. While I don't mind them finishing ahead of me, my mom usually does, I would like to finish roughly around the same time as them. So that where my 20 week training plan comes in. Its really no where near the plans I see online, that's because I wanted it to really reflect how I'll actually workout and the activities I like to do. For example, Ben, the greatest zumba instructor ever, comes back next week, meaning my zumba days will increase. I know I'll need to get my millage up, but I still want to do bbg.

Run a 1:10 10K on Thanksgiving
For the past two years my mom and I have run the Clark County Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. Its something I talked about doing every year on Thanksgiving while I saw all these pictures of others doing it but never did. So when we finally thought about it before turkey day one year I said why not do the 10K over the 5K and thus a tradition was born! The first year I ran it in 1:16, a PR since I had never done that distance before. Seriously, always run new distances, you'll always get a PR! Last year I ran it in 1:19, I contribute part of that to the fact it didn't get above freezing the entire race! So this year the goal is 1:10, a nice round number and works out to about 11 minute miles.

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