Monday, August 29, 2016

Lets Talk Rejection

Since I'm using this blog as an outlet for my musing right now I wanna put down in words some of the thoughts and feelings I've been having.

Mainly, rejection. Business rejection. You see, I'm a consultant with Rodan+Fields and for the first year and a half I did very little with the business, I basically used it for the 25% discount. And then a few months ago I decided I didn't want to work a 9-5 anymore (well A 7:30-4, semantics). So I started working the RF gig harder. And I've grown! My monthly income doubled! But now I've gotten greedy and I want more. I see daily all these other men and women killing it in the business and I can't help but thinking, why not me?! 

Then I take a step back and I reevaluate, it is happening to me, just slower. I'm comparing my day to day to their successes. What I don't see if how many no's they've received. How many crickets they're also getting. I'm comparing my reality with their moments of success without taking into account their reality. 

I just need to remind myself that one person's success does not make me a failure. Their success can only help me. When someone else promotes, all that means is more people hearing about Rodan+Fields, and more people who know me being ready to get awesome skincare. 

I will leave with this. There is a reason I choose RF over other MLM. A large part of that was the supportive community I am a part of. Women and men who believe we can all succeed. I just need to remember that this business is built on the "not-yets" then one day a "yes" comes along and makes it all worth it. 

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