Monday, August 29, 2016

Enter the Quarter Life Crisis

The BIG 2-5 happened just over three months ago

I have my degree ✓
I'm working in my field ✓
I have a side gig business ✓
I should be happy with my place in life - but I don't
I feel like something is missing.


I started college with the idea that I would be an physical therapist, but things don't always work out how we planned. Turns out I'm terrible at science! Chem, bio, my brain just doesn't understand them. On a whim I had taken an intro to accounting class. I did great at it so I took another. When it came time to declare a major I figured - why not - I'm good at it, I enjoy it, major selected! Expect for me, the real world of accounting isn't nearly as fun as it was learning about it.

I recently started watching Elementary, there was a quote in the pilot episode that struck a cord with me: 
Holmes: Why do you suppose you hate your job so much?
Watson: I don't have my job/
Holmes: You have two alarm clocks. No one with two alarm clocks loves their job. Two alarm clocks means it's a chore for you to get up in the morning.

I set two alarms every night. Waking up in the morning has become a chore.

The Voice - Shel Silvertein

There's this part of me that always thought after a while in the professional world I'd leave to teach accounting to high school or college kids. But after only two years after graduation I feel that pull, that desire. So I've started researching.

I know I'll need to get my Career Tech Educator Certificate.
I know which schools in the state offer it (only one in the area I want to teach)
I know I can go a different route and get my teaching certificate, then my CTE.
Both options will take any where from one to two years.
Both ultimately mean cutting back hours at work and leaving at some point to student teach. 
My city is saturated with teachers - my college (the town I still live in) has an amazing Elementary Ed program. But will that make it harder for me to get a teaching job?
All of this requires money - I already feel like I'm drowning in student loans, do I really want to take on more? What are my chances of getting financial aid now that I'm an "independent student"?

I jumped on an amazing opportunity to join Rodan+Fields, should I just work my side gig harder and for-go this idea? Will I feel satisfied? Inspired? Happy? There are so many ideas in my head that this is turning into a rambling... I just needed to get my ideas down or I feel I would explode.

If you've made it this far, I thank you, and I am open to your thoughts :)

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